
你好,可写为What`s the weather like there?Remember to write me back. 满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

I am here to rain, did it rain where you are today?

It's a nice weather today,how about yours? I wish its also sunny, the ocean and sky are blue either.

雨不大却会维持很久 It will rain is not maintained for a long time 雨不大却会维持很久 It will rain is not maintained for a long time

翻译雨下大copy了zd1. The rain is getting heavier.2. The rain is getting worse. 雨下小了1. The rain is getting lighter. 2. The rain is ceasing. 3. The rain is sping.

How is your life over there? Do you enjoy your life over there? 望采纳~

How is the weather in your side?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追,满意敬请采纳,O(∩∩)O 谢谢~~


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