


Unit 2 Colours and Clothes


talk about议论某事

personal pronouns人称代词

prossessive pronouns物主代词

what&39;s right啦!那是对的!

How many colours do you see?您看到了几多色吧?(colour可数名词)

come out 出-现 出现

mix two different colours together to make a new colour把两种区别颜色混合在一块制成1种新色

mix sth.to do sth.混淆去干…

after the rain雨后

in the sky 在空中中

dig in翻土,把掺进入

tick the correct answer在准确谜底上打勾

just right 方才好,恰好

be ready for…为作预备

fill in the missing letters填上缺失的字母

colour the rainbow in the same order of the words


Can you name some things that are those colours?您能说出那些色的东-西吗吗?

It&39;s gloves琳的手套

work in pairs两人一组训练

look at the items看看这一些工作事情

make up 构成 假造


catch a cold 伤风

be ready for sth.为某事作筹备

say goodbye to sb.对某些人说再会

wear a T-shirt and shorts穿一件短袖和一条短裤

look nice看起来漂亮/不错

in this green T-shirt着一件绿色短袖

It&39;t forget sth.不-要遗忘某事

take all out of 把一切的从拿出来

colourful clothes are so bright五光十色的衣裳这样敞亮拉。

so bright这样敞亮

catch a ball接

catch a fish 捉一条鱼

catch a train/bus追上火车/汽车

what does Danny like to wear?丹尼喜好穿什麽衣般?

answer the questions回覆疑

How is the weather?气候怎样?

with the correct forms of

the phone number用电话号码的准确情势


go outside外出 往外走

share sth. with sb.与某些人一同分享某物

without sth.有无某物

Don&39;s cold outside.室外气候冷呢。

tell sb. to do sth.告知某些人干某事

match the clothes with the right weather把衣裳和适合的气候搭配起身

write a report about sth.对于某事写一篇报-告

around the world世界各地

wear traditional clothes穿戴全统衣饰

so colourful色采这样富厚

How do they look?您怎样看呢?

look so beautiful/pretty看上去很漂亮

be form 源于,来源于

a traditional dress一件全统衣饰

in her Sari(可数名词)穿戴他的莎丽

wear uniforms for work穿制-服工作

look so pretty看上去好美丽

in black and white穿黑白相间衣裳

school uniforms校服

blue and white青花

What colours are they?它们是什麽色

discuss the questions探讨疑

in one&39;s go shopping让咋们去购物

at the shopping center 在购物中心

at 1:00 p.m this Saturday在这星期六午后一点

come with sb.和某些人一起身

want to do sth.想去作某事

a pair of shoes一双鞋

What do you want to buy?您要买什麽呀?

have fun玩得高兴

near the park在公园/停车场四周

go to the zoo去动物园

I&39;t wear any glasses.我不戴眼镜,

put on指“戴上”,“穿上”,为动静,表现穿衣服的动-作,其反义词是take off.

Put on your clothes穿上衣裳


1.put on是一刹那动词拉。


★clothes, clothing, coat, dress, overcoat这六个词的一同意义是“衣裳”其区分是:


He spent a lot of money on clothes when he was young.她年青时花许多买衣裳了。


This is a factory that makes children&39;ve bought a coat for my daughter.我替千金买了一件斗篷啦。


She wore a long, white dress for the wedding.他穿戴一件长长的白色成婚制服啦。


Men and boys wear overcoats in cold weather.天冷时,人们都穿斗篷呀。

★clothes 和 clothing用法的区分

1. clothes 和 clothing 都可用作“衣裳”的统称,但在用法上有差异

(1) clothes 是一位有无单数情势的复数名词, 其前不行加不定冠词,也不行加数词,但可用 some, these, those, many, few 等词装饰了。如正those clothes / few clothes / many clothes误a clothes / two clothes / three clothes

(2) clothing 是不可数名词呢。如They wear very little clothing. 你们衣裳穿得很少呢。

(3) 比较而言clothes 的含意对比详细,而 clothing 的含意则对比形象呢。从语体上看,clothing 比 clothes 更正式呀。对比I changed my clothes. 我换了衣裳拉。He is washing his clothes. 她在洗衣服呀。Our clothing protects us against the cold. 咋们的衣裳能够防寒呀。We are well provided with food and clothing. 咋们吃得好,穿得好呢。若不思考其轻微区分,二者常可换用(注一位是复数,一位不可数)拉。如了。如He spent a lot of money on clothes [clothing]. 他花了很多买衣裳拉。

(4) 要表现衣裳的数目,可用相似如下的表明误a suit of clothing 正a suit of clothes 一套衣裳误an ariticle of clothes 正an article of clothing 一件衣裳

★dress 表现“衣裳”,有两种用法

(1) 用作可数名词,重要指主妇穿的连衣裙或者左右连身的女装,也可指小孩穿的衣裳,但不指男子穿的衣裳啦。如She makes all her own dresses. 他的连衣裙都是我作的了。She was wearing a beautiful dress. 他那时穿戴一身美丽的衣裳了。

(2) 用作不可数名词,表现“衣裳”的总称”(岂论男女)啦。如He doesn’t care much about dress. 她不太注重穿着呢。注在当代英语中,dress 用作不可数名词的用法已不罕见拉。他重要用来指某些特别品种的衣裳(如制服等)拉。如)evening dress 晚礼服 full dress 燕尾服 national dress 民族服装  fancy dress 化妆服装


1Sth. is too+形容词(真相)+for sb. 某物对某些人来讲太??

2Be ready for sth. 和be ready to do sth.有的时候可交换了。如

I am ready for lunch.= I am ready to have lunch. 如今我筹备好吃午餐了呢。

3How many colours do you see ? 您能看到几多色?

4My favorite colour is 我最喜好的色是

5Say goodbye to sb.向某些人请***。Say yes/no to sb. 向某些人说行/不可了。

6I&39;m so glad to see you. 看见您我很开心啦。




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