
今天天气怎么样What's the weather like today? 或者How's the weather today? 另外DO you know When are these holidays ? 句子之中有错,应该是另外DO you 。

秋天俩了Autumn is the third season in the year. It lasts from September to November. When the autumn es, the leaves begin to turn yellow and then fall. The weather 。

1,The dictionary was torn apart entirely.2,He found the front door locked close when 。 the manager heard a door was shut.4,The weather was so cold this mmoring that I 。

1.动物园使得游客能够近距离观看野生动物. 2.当你尝试去帮助别人的时候,和他们争。 6.她轻轻地离开了房间 并没有意识到她的儿子只是假装睡着了. 7.一个残忍的事实是我。

对于我来说天气太冷了. For me, the weather is too cold. 望采纳,谢谢


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