


comedy xinchi外语

comedy英 [ˈkɒmədi] 美 [ˈkɑːmədi]

n. 笑剧,喜剧片;风趣的东西,搞笑话的东-西;风趣,幽默

[ 复数 comedies ]


Comedy Central 笑剧中间 ; 笑剧中间频道 ; 笑剧频道 ; 美国笑剧中间频道

black comedy 灰色笑剧 ; 荒唐笑剧

situation comedy 情景喜剧 ; 情境笑剧 ; 处境笑剧 ; 情形笑剧

romantic comedy 浪漫笑剧 ; 爱情喜剧 ; 浪漫喜剧片 ; 浪漫爱情喜剧

King of Comedy 喜剧之王 ; 之王

comedy film 喜剧电影 ; 笑剧影片 ; 悲剧片

Stand-up comedy 栋笃笑 ; 脱口秀 ; 单口相声

sketch comedy 笑剧小品 ; 1种短小的排列笑剧 ; 短笑剧 ; 小品笑剧

The divine Comedy 神曲 ; 圣洁笑剧乐队 ; 神妙的笑剧 ; 圣洁的笑剧


comedy /ˈkɒmɪdɪ/ CET4 TEM4

1. N-UNCOUNT Comedy consists of types of entertainment, such as plays and film, or particular scenes in them, that are intended to make people laugh. 笑剧

例Actor Dom Deluise talks about his career in comedy.


2. N-COUNT A comedy is a play, film, or television programme that is intended to make people laugh. 笑剧

例The movie is a romantic comedy.



divine comedy n. 神曲(意大利读书的人但丁做的叙事诗)

situation comedy n. (播报.电视的)排列风趣剧

comedy film 喜剧片

black comedy 灰色笑剧(1种可怕.荒唐的悲喜剧)

musical comedy 音乐喜剧;歌舞笑剧

new comedy 新笑剧

comedy movie 喜剧片

slapstick comedy 闹剧;初级笑剧

dark comedy 阴霾笑剧


The movie is a romantic comedy.


The play is a black comedy.


I don't look down my nose at comedy.


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My emaililikework_cz@126.com


Under vs Below vs Beneath vs Underneath


● UNDER, BELOW, BENEATH, UNDERNEATH均可意为 “在……底下,在……下方”呀。


● UNDER is the most frequently used word to say that one thing is at a lower level than another and it can also be used to say that one thing is covered by another thing and these two things are touching.

● UNDER是表现“在……底下,在……下方”最经常使用的一位词,也可用来指某件物品被另一件物品所笼罩,有接触面呀。

★ We sat under the stars and listened to the night sounds.

★ 咋们坐在星空下,听夜的聲音了。

★ Keeping the boxes under the bed helps to save space.

★ 把箱子放在床下有助于节约空-间啦。

★ The cat was sleeping under the blanket.

★ 这只猫现在毯子底下睡觉拉。

● UNDER can mean “guided by or managed by” 由…治理.经-营啦。

★ The restaurant will be under his management starting in March.

★ 自三月起,这家饭馆由她治理呀。

★ There would be no new taxes under his leadership.

★ 在她主政时期不会增添新税种呀。

● UNDER can also mean “in a condition or state” 在(…情形或者前提)下拉。

★ The shopping center is under construction until next year.

★ 该购物中心现在建立中,再过一年竣工呀。

★ Under normal conditions, only about 20 to 40 percent of vitamin E is absorbed.

★ 平常情形下,仅有20%到40%的维生素E会被吸取呢。

● UNDER can also mean “lower than in age”.

● UNDER可用来表现年纪低于……啦。

★ It is unlawful to buy cigarettes if you are under 21 years of age.

★ 未满21岁,购置卷烟是不合法的了。

★ It is unlawful to buy cigarettes if you are 21 years of age or under.

★ 21岁或者21岁如下,购置卷烟是不合法的了。

● UNDER can also be used as a prefix. As such, it can mean “below” or “less than an expected or correct amount” and can be an adjective or a verb.

● UNDER也可作前缀,表现“低于预期或者现实的数目”,组成形容词或者动词啦。

★ I cannot permit you to enter this club. You’re underage.

★ 我不可以让您进这一个俱乐部,您还未成年呀。

★ They undercooked the chicken. I can’t eat it now.

★ 鸡肉有无煮熟,而今无法吃呀。

● UNDER expressions:

◆ under the weather: If you say that you are under the weather, you mean that you feel slightly ill有点不舒适

★ I was still feeling a bit under the weather.

★ 我仍然以为有点不舒适啦。

◆ under the law: in conformity with law or subject to the law按执法划定或者受执法管束

★ We are all equal under the law and everybody must obey the law.

★ 执法眼前人人平等,大家都必需按照执法了。

◆ under arrest: in custody of the police or other legal authorities被捕

★ The man suffered serious burns and has been placed under arrest.

★ 该男子汉大丈夫被难解决烧伤,已被拘捕啦。

◆ under one’s breath: in a very quiet voice, almost inaudibly用十分小的聲音说,乃至听不见

★ He swore violently under his breath.

★ 她小声地诅咒着拉。


● BELOW is mainly used when two things are not touching and on the same plane.

● BELOW平时用来表明2个物体有无接触面,在统一平面上啦。

★ He lives in an apartment directly below Andy’s.

★ 她住在安迪家正下方的一位公寓里啦。

★ There&39;s too big, even with a sweater underneath.

★ 即便内里穿一件毛衣,这一件外衣也很大了啦。

● BELOW, BENEATH can refer to people or things that are unworthy in some way or of a lower social ranking.

● BELOW, BENEATH可用来表明某些人或者某物不值得.不足不够好或者社-会职位较低,意为“不妨.配不上”啦。

★ He considers such jobs beneath him.

★ 她以为这类事情有失她的身分呢。

★ Some people think that they are special and we are all beneath them.

★ 有一些人以为我很希奇,以为咋们都不妨你们呀。

★ Some people think she married below her family.

★ 有一些人以为下嫁了了。

● Beneath, Underneath can also refer to hidden personal qualities or emotions.

● Beneath, Underneath也能够用来指暗藏的私人质量或者心情了。

★ Underneath her cool exterior, she was really very frightened.

★ 他表面镇静,本来心里非常惧怕啦。

★ He seems bad-tempered, but he's very soft-hearted underneath.

★ 她表-面性格烦躁,实则菩萨心肠呢。

★ Somewhere deep beneath the surface lay a caring character.

★ 在内心深处的某个角落里藏着一颗爱心啦。

★ There is a sad person beneath that happy face.

★ 高兴的面貌下住着一位悲痛的人拉。


Choose the best answer for each sentence. Some sentences have more than one possible answer. Write your answers in the comments section.

1. I do not want to engage in small disagreements. Such behavior is _______ me.

2. In school systems, teachers are _______administrators.

3. A cat ran _______ the car this morning and has been hiding there for hours.

4. The temperatures in summer here usually do not fall _______ 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. I have a good friend who lives ________ me in my apartment building.

6. This game is suited for children ages 10 and _________.

7. The university’s English program is ________ new supervision.


1. beneath / below

2. below

3. under / underneath / beneath

4. below

5. below

6. under

7. under

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